Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Go Big or Go Home! P90x at 60.

If you are training and not getting need to make a change. Working out three to five times a week and seeing minimal results is a waste of time. A few years ago at age 60 I saw an infomercial for P90x the DVD training series. I never pay much attention to these kind of TV ads, but this stood out for me. I had a long day in some ministry work and found myself sitting in front of the tube at midnight watching the ad. I bought the series. I had been training regularly, but this was tougher than anything I had done in awhile. It took over an hour a day for 3 months to get through the first round of P90x. I was able to do about 4 or 5 pull ups when I started and made it all the way to 20 by the end. It required pushups of many kinds, stretching and Yoga moves, and a 20 minute ab workout routine. Leg work included wall sits; where you squat with your back against the wall and hold it. Hard..yeah it was hard! Soreness was a regular experience with this program. It was hard to get through, but by my 61 birthday a year later I had gotten through 3 rounds of it. Not to say I am recommending you to go out and start P90x but it is not a bad idea, if you have the time to spend daily on this workout. It doesn't take a lot of gear, only a pullup bar and some dumbbells. Point is if you are stagnant in your routine, this is one way to get your body gaining muscle and losing fat again. P90x works, it is not the only way but it is a way that will work. Next up The Mighty Atom ......junior!

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