Saturday, May 31, 2014

One week in

Did 3 workouts with the new/old syle method. Started light...50 lbs on olympic bar for squats the first day, then added 25, then 25 again so I ended up at 100.
Same for the bench presses. Also deadlifts. Taking it easy the first day.. NO injury is worth getting.

Leave the heavy stuff to the 30 year old dudes.

Second workout day I did Squats, deadlift , barbell curls, overhead press.

Third workout day I did squats, now 50,100, 150 3x5. Deadlift 50,100, 125.  Benches were 125 for 3 sets of 5.

I added a set of pull ups just to do them at the end. Did 10

If this progress continues I should hit some decent weights in a few weeks.

Feeling good too...

65 and counting!

Monday, May 26, 2014

Back to the basics!!

I feel a bit like I am in a rut. After my 65th birthday I need a change in the workout routine. Working out 5 times a week though only 30 minutes per session, it still can get old.

So its back to basics for me,,,for awhile. Here is my new ....old...plan.

3 set of 5 reps each  alternating days with a rest day between.

Squats, Deadlift, Bench presses.  
The squats were a problem because of a rotator cuff  issues I could not hole the barbell across my shoulders.
So I opted for the standing squat machine. This has pads over your shoulders, so no arms needed to hold it.

Started light..85 lbs, then 105lbs, then 125lbs for each exercise

Next day will be squats, rowing, barbell curls, overhead presses.

Hope for some added interest in this and some r-e-s-u-l-t-s!!!